On Sunday 20th October we had the pleasure of welcoming ten new Elders to our Kirk Session. East Kilbride: Moncreiff has not ordained or admitted new Elders since 2012 so it was a very special occasion for ourselves. Sadly, our much loved Session Clerk, Mrs Brenda McCrae died in September but had been a key person in encouraging their appointments. So, our service was all the more poignant as her family gathered with us to celebrate the ordination of her daughter Laura Smith, along with Elaine Barrowman, Chris and Morna McKenzie, Sheena Oo, Susan Gray, Fiona and John Lamont, along with the admission of Heather and Lynne Eland. We have now welcomed Niall Whyte as our Session Clerk, previously our Depute who will share leadership with Alison McKinnon. As one famous songwriter said ’For the times, they are a-changing’. We are looking forward with hope and excitement building on strong foundations.