Sunday Worship




Moncreiff Parish Church

Maxwellton Road


East Kilbride

G74 3JJ


01355 223328 (Monday - Friday am)


Moncreiff is a charity registered in Scotland and regulated by OSCR.

Visitor Counter


Dates For Your Diary

There's a lot going on at Moncreiff, check out our calendar to see. . During school holidays most of the organisations and activities take a break. Please check with the organisation or call the office on weekday mornings between 9:00am and noon on 01355 223328


Links are provided below where you can find out more about some of our organisations and activities within Moncreiff. 


If our car park is full, please park at Calderwood Square and not in the local streets.





What’s On @ Moncreiff









10:30 Sunday Worship, Faithbuilders,                  Creche

16:00 Spotlight




09:00 Tumbletots

09:15 Rhythm Time

19:00 Dance4passion

19:00 Find Your Joy Fitness




09:00 Music Movers & Shakers

13:30 Guild

13.30 Chill Out Club

17:00 LGMA

18:00 3rd EK GB




10:00 Badminton


14:00 Chair Yoga

15:30 Yoga

17:00 LGMA

18:00 Brownies & Rainbows

18:30 Prayer Walk (2 weekly)

19:45 Line Dancing




09:00 The Kettle’s On

13:30 Pilates

17:30 Pilates

18:00 Brownies




09:00 Little Kickers

09:30 Jiggy Wrigglers

18:00 4th EK BB





08:00 Slimming World





 Church Activity Click or call to find out more
Sunday Worship & Faithbuilders Call the office on 01355 223328 weekdays between 9am & noon
Wee Cuppa Worship Normally 2nd Monday of the month, call office for more info.
Spotlight Theatre Club Facebook page
Chat MPC Call the office on 01355 223328 weekdays between 9am & noon
The Guild Call the office on 01355 223328 weekdays between 9am & noon
Girls' Brigade Girls' Brigade Website
Badminton Call the office on 01355 223328 weekdays between 9am & noon
Yoga & Chair Yoga Call the office on 01355 223328 weekdays between 9am & noon
Brownies & Rainbows Girl Guiding UK
The Kettle's On

Call the office on 01355 223328 weekdays between 9am & noon

CAP EK Ceilidh Call the office on 01355 223328 weekdays between 9am & noon for tickets.
Boys' Brigade Boys' Brigade Website Main contact Frazer Munn 07972 244596, email Search for 4th East Kilbride Boys Brigade on Facebook for lot's more information.


Other Activities Find Out More
Tumble Tots

We meet on Monday’s in Moncreiff and all class details can be found through our website, and this is where classes can be booked.

Tumble Tots Glasgow is a physical play programme, from 6 months to walking (around 1 year old) to school age (5 years). Designed to develop children’s physical skills of agility, balance, co-ordination and climbing, through the use of brightly coloured Tumble Tots equipment, especially designed for little people.


Dance4Passion Dance4Passion website
Find Your Joy Fitness Facebook page

Music Makers & Shakers & 

Music Movers & Groovers

Makers & Shakers & Movers & Groovers Website
Chill Out Club Chill Out Club Website
Lanarkshire Guitar & Mandolin Association Facebook page
Little Kickers Little Kickers Website
Jiggy Wrigglers Jiggy Wrigglers Website
Slimming World Slimming World Website

mattbainpilates@yahoo. com 

Mattbainpilates - Booking by Bookwhen

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