Sunday Worship




Moncreiff Parish Church

Maxwellton Road


East Kilbride

G74 3JJ


01355 223328 (Monday - Friday am)


Moncreiff is a charity registered in Scotland and regulated by OSCR.

Visitor Counter


Order of Service


If you are aware of any pastoral care needs around the Church, please let Sarah or Lisa know so that we can offer support.


Time for Prayer - Sundays in February – 9.45-10am in the Park/Session Room. Open to all - whether gather in silent prayer or spoken prayer. Bring a written prayer to share or have someone read.


The Guild meets on Tues 11 Feb when we welcome Ian and Wilma who will update us on the work of Street Pastors.  Any visitors to our meetings receive a very warm welcome, if you are interested in any of our speakers please come along.


Our next prayer walk will take place on Wed 12 Feb.  All are welcome to attend.  Please meet at the Church in time to leave at 6.30pm.  We will return to the church by 7.30pm and enjoy refreshments in the hall afterwards. Further information from Suzanne Bennie.


On Sat 15 Feb from 11am-1pm, the Girls’ Brigade will be hosting a coffee morning in aid of Company Funds.  Tickets are £3/£2 and will be available on the door.  We would gladly accept any donations of home baking!


Inservice Day cakes request for Wed 19 Feb. Please if you can help with this let myself or Niall know as he is delivering them this year!


Chat MPC - Our next night is on Mon 3 March from 7pm till 9pm.  We are having a games night, including darts, pool, skittles, cards, board games.  Suggested £1 donation.  Good fun and plenty of chat is always guaranteed.  Any more information, please contact the church office 01355 223328.


The World Day of Prayer Service this year takes place on Fri 7 March at 1.30pm in Moncreiff Parish Church.  Please note the date and we hope that you will attend.


East Kilbride Fairtrade Group is keen to recruit new members.  If you support Fairtrade and are interested in joining this group, please speak to Anne McIntyre for more information.


The Kettle’s On 9am-1pm Come along to have tea, coffee, toast, soup (from noon), plus other goodies and a blether, OPEN to all and all are welcome.  Kindly sponsored by VASLan, SLC and Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund.


Struggling with finances?  Drop-in sessions are available on Thursday mornings to find out more about the services provided by CAP in EK, money coaching workshops and debt help. Alternatively, call 07985 284688 to speak to a local Money/Debt Coach. Please let others know about this confidential service.


Please bring donations for the Food Bank Box – cereal, tins inc. rice pudding, custard, potatoes and vegetables, pot noodles, pasta, meals in a tin, non-perishable items, sanitary products, nice goodies too! Also, blankets (clean secondhand or new), new hot water bottles, etc for our Hot Box! Only if you can.


Our prayer board is always available and we would love you to add your prayers to it or pray for those on the board.  Also, there is an online one on our website.


Tea Duty

Today:                  E MacKay, M Bern and A McIntyre

Next Sunday:        F Heggie, A Gray and S Gray

If you can help serve teas and coffees after worship on Sundays, please add your name to the rota in the kitchen.


Kettle’s On Thursday Soup Rota

13 February:         M McIntyre and Laura

20 February:         Laura (F) and S Oo

If you can help by making a pot of soup, suitable for vegetarians, please join the Rota by calling the office: 01355 223328 or email:



WHAT’S ON: 10-16 Feb 2025




Tumble Tots

Fundraising Group



Broadway Boogie



Music Movers/Shakers


Chill Out Club






WDoP Mtg


Chair Yoga





Prayer Walk

Private Hire

Line Dancing



Kettle’s On

Pilates (aft)

Pilates (eve)

Fri 14

Little Kickers

Jiggy Wriggler





Slimming World

GB Coffee Morning



Time for Prayer

Worship (Crèche)




Click the link below for worship on YouTube

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© Moncreiff Parish Church