Sunday Worship




Moncreiff Parish Church

Maxwellton Road


East Kilbride

G74 3JJ


01355 223328 (Monday - Friday am)


Moncreiff is a charity registered in Scotland and regulated by OSCR.

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Welcome to the website of Moncreiff Parish Church

Hello and welcome! 


It is lovely that you have dropped by to visit our website and find out a bit more about Moncreiff Parish Church.  We are, as far as possible, a welcoming, inclusive church and very much a mixed bag of people.  As it should be.  


Over Lent our study group has been on a journey of discovery with the disciples where we have been gently reminded that they are not just characters in a story, but real people like us.  


Lent is a time of penance where we remember we are not front and centre in our faith, but that Jesus Christ is and must be at the centre.  This can be challenging in a world that makes us believe we must up our game, be the best, compete rather than collaborate. And this mindset can be prevalent in the church as much as society.  We are all products of culture after all. 


However, Lent encourages to lay down the pressures that surround, to look at what distracts and disempowers us, tempting us to build towers of Babel rather than engage with God’s plan for us. 


Whether you mark Lent with a fast or take up something new that inspires and builds up, it is not the kudos that is important, it is whether you are drawn closer to God through grace, mercy and love. 






Remember God loves you and to be truly loved is to be valued and guided towards the very best you can be.  Lent is challenging but as Easter Sunday dawns we remember why we need Lent… for then the real work begins then. 


This March I am starting a new wee challenge – which may or may not work.  I am going to share on my Podcast – RevSarahShares available on Apple and Spotify sharing what ministry and mission is like.  This might be more for me than anyone else but I hope it might give some insight to the variety and highlight the possibilities available to all to experience God’s love in action, debate his Word and worship together.  Do give it a wee listen…


Do have a look around on the website here for there is much to find including practical support, spiritual guidance and mental health well-being.  Drop in to the Kettle’s On on Thursdays just to find out more or enjoy a cuppa.  Or speak to Lisa in the office as there is so much happening that might interest you – badminton is back on a Wednesday morning, groups for little people, dance classes for all ages, a Wee Cuppa Worship on 2nd Monday of the month, worship every Sunday at 10:30am in the Sanctuary, and online/phone! And if we can’t help, we will try and find someone who can.  


Unless the Lord builds the house, the labourers labour in vain. 


We want to live out faith and trust God to keep building us up.  


God bless


Love Sarah 


Rev Sarah Shares




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