Welcome Letter – Spring 2025
Thank you for stopping by and looking us up. It is great to have your attention for a few moments and I hope that you will continue to wander around our site. Perhaps you are looking for a Church family that is warm, welcoming and vibrant. We believe that God welcomes all and we are called to do likewise. Sunday worship at 10:30am mixes traditional and contemporary, relaxed yet willing to receive God’s challenge and vision. Faithbuilders is for our children and young people, with lots of activities and participation. Perhaps, if you are curious you can pop by our YouTube channel and watch the livestream. And if you know someone who’d rather just listen the whole service is available on the phone at 01355681230 for the cost of your local call package.
Perhaps you wondered if there are opportunities to grow your faith through study. Well there is a new group exploring Communion, Thursdays in March. There is a fortnightly prayer walk which includes around an hour walk in the Calderwood area, prayer stops and refreshments on a Wednesday. Children and young people are welcome to join the Girls’ Brigade on a Tuesday or Boys’ Brigade on a Friday. More opportunities are promised later in the year. You don’t have to come to worship to come to any of these.
Or are you struggling with loneliness? Honestly, plenty of us are and wondering if there is anyone just to talk too. Well, apart from the options already said we have the Guild on a Tuesday afternoon from 1:30pm, always on the lookout for new faces. There is The Kettle’s On every Thursday from 9-1pm with chat, support, food and friendship. Now here is a group for all ages where you can just listen on the fringes, have a great blether or play Rummikub (other games exist but this is the favourite). If you miss the office buzz you can bring your own work and just be around others whilst you work.
Or if you need practical help, someone to help with forms or a listening ear that might be able to signpost you to other support agencies then we suggest looking at our CAP page, where support for finances is available, plus we have a Hot Box with blankets, hot water bottles etc, and on Thursday mornings there are laptops available with free wifi or help with forms etc.
Plus, there are hall users for almost anything you can think of, including a creative writing group, various sports and dance classes, groups for toddlers and babies, uniform organisations and more. Community space is an important thing we do – check out Connected Calderwood on Facebook for information and see what is hosted at Calderwood Baptist Church.
Taking that first step across the threshold can be scary but truly the welcome is warm, and the coffee is strong! And more importantly God’s welcome is warm and his embrace a refuge. Keep exploring and we look forward to meeting you around the place or online. God bless.
Love Sarah
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 (KJV)