Sunday Worship




Moncreiff Parish Church

Maxwellton Road


East Kilbride

G74 3JJ


01355 223328 (Monday - Friday am)


Moncreiff is a charity registered in Scotland and regulated by OSCR.

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Welcome to the website of Moncreiff Parish Church

The leaves spiral,

drifting lazily

or whirring fast,

on the last journey

from branch to ground;

then they give back

to the earth,

and the nutrients feed

the coming growth and blossom.



Autumn is a lovely season, with crisp mornings, bright days and hot chocolate evenings.  Of course, storms along the way and the rush to Christmas begins in earnest.  But let’s not skip the Autumn pause.  The leaves remind us that change can be slow, colour-filled, and even fun. I mean who doesn’t love jumping in a leaf pile or those chasing the leaves with the leaf blower.  Just don’t be like that poor SLC worker doing that in gale force winds in Blantyre one year. 


Change is happening around Moncreiff, some of it ahead of schedule and some of it behind schedule. Kind of like our seasons where we probably only truly know its Autumn because of the leaves given summer was something of a washout.   Sadly, we paid our final respects to our Session Clerk Brenda, and we hold her family in prayer.  Yet in the weeks leading up to her death, Brenda and I were looking forward together and she knew all about our new Elders. It is the first time since 2012 we have added Elders to the Session and on 20th October we ordain and admit 10 Elders.  



Along with appointing new Session Clerks, these people will bring change and new perspective.  Yet each person is also part of the Church already and have impacted on the life of the Church.  Just as the trees going bare in Autumn return to their green glory in spring, change happens but its purpose can be growth.  And that’s the wonder of Autumn leaves.  It isn’t the whole tree that dies, but the leaves which have worked hard over their time, now die and the tree rests and grows. 


So, yes change is a must, but the best kind of change is about growth.  Growing people, growing faith, growing discipleship, growing community engagement and support.  For that to happen, we might have to let go and let legacies be the nutrients that feed the coming growth and blossom.  Just as Brenda and Bill before her gave their best, our new Clerks will give their best.  They don’t just carry the work on, they will grow it.  Our new elders will change the dynamics of the Session, but the Session will grow stronger.  For those who went before, people like Les who left such a wonderful legacy as an Elder for over 50 years, and others like him, have provided good soil for seeds to be planted, and for those longer in the faith to grow stronger. 


We are not a perfect Church, there are gaps in our provision, and we want to help everyone grow in their faith, receive spiritual care and support, and spread the Good News beyond our doorstep.  Going forward, we hope to get more people involved and we hope if the right opportunity arises for you, you will jump in.  Help us to change and grow, so that we might thrive, not just survive, as we work with and for God, who is the Gardener. 


Every blessing,

Love Sarah


Whatever was, is.
Whatever will be, is.
That’s how it always is with God.

Ecclesiastes 3:15 (MSG)



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